Mobile Streaming
Live Video Streaming Instructions
- To Stream from a Mobile Device – You can visit the Google Play or Apple App store and search for Larix or download from the link below. Larix Broadcaster allows streaming video and/or audio live content from your mobile device in real-time over WiFi, EDGE, 3G, LTE and 5G. Visit the following link from your computer or device in order for you to stream live to the event. Download and Install at the following links:Download Larix Broadcaster for Android
Download Larix Broadcaster for iOS
- After you have the Larix App downloaded we will configure your device to your dashboard portal using your login credentials and then you will be able to steam!
Those who will be streaming, and/or uploading pre-recorded videos, you will receive an email with a login link, and your login user and password.
If you are streaming, please use this link to login to the backroom of our video streaming service to download the OBS encoder and see your encoder and publishing info.
You can also use this login to upload pre-recorded videos. Just name them with the name of the band-descriptive title of video, select VOD from the menu on the left, and upload. If they are larger than 2g in size, email me and I will send you a Google drive link instead;
For Mobile Users
- Download Larix Broadcaster from the App Store
- The app is going to going to load on the recording screen
- On the right side click on the settings menu
- Click on connections
- Click on new connection
- The following fields are going to appear:
- Enter Your Name.
- The URL is a bit tricky. I will post the format. Keep in mind if you copy and paste it your phone is almost always going to change the first part from RTMP to HTTP. Just be sure you change it back to RTMP and the problem is solved. The URL is on the Encoder Setup tab. It’s on the bottom right of the page right under the download links.
Don’t Copy This !!!!
- The URL is a combination of the stream URL followed by / Stream Name. IE rtmp:// Please go to your own Encoder Setup tab to get this information do not use the example one. You can click in the URL fields to copy the whole link.
- Mode is Audio/Video
- Target is Akamai/Dacast
- The Login is 551714 (These are examples please use your own)
- The Password is 517611 (These are examples please use your own)
It will look like this when correct
- Hit Save
- To test that the video is working hit the record button on the home page of the app.
- On the Dacast page go to the Publish Settings tab.
- Click on Preview then click play in the window. You should see your stream playing in the window at this time.